My Starry Night

For the past couple of days I had been reintroducing myself to my least favorite medium of all — oil paints.

The last time I used them, which also happens to be my first time, was when I was in college required to present one oil painting as a final plate. Well, I didn’t exactly know what I was doing then, and I certainly don’t know what I’m doing now.

I’ve watched some how-to videos on Youtube, read some books and some articles online, but they still didn’t exactly tell me what to do. So I thought the best teacher to teach me oil painting remains to be ‘experience.’ And who better to teach me that than Vincent Van Gogh! I am an enormous fan of his ‘The Starry Night’ painting and I had always wanted do something like it.

Well, here was my chance!

Below are photographs of the work I recently did replicating Van Gogh’s “The Starry Night” (although not as faithfully or as accurate as the original. I’ve made some alterations which worked best for me).

Work in progress. 

Finished work. 

I have to admit, I think I’m in love with oils now. I still hate the smell of turpentine and linseed oil, and the messy cleaning-up after which I always have to do, but this medium is just wonderful! I actually enjoyed it!

Yes, I’m going to paint with oils again. I’ll just have to endure the fumes and the messiness.

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