Mural, Lens, Birds …and ISPs

The mural is done (sort of)! Thank the Almighty for that! I say ‘sort of’ because there’s a likely chance I’d go over some of the paint job again. Eventually. Tomorrow I’ll begin applying some kind of varnish over it… I forget what it’s called… polyutherane, I think? It’s a spray. But I’m not confident about using it. I mean, what guarantee is there that this spray will give the mural a nice protective coat? For all I know, it could just ruin the mural. Reading online, it seems to be used more often on wooden surfaces. So I really am having some second-thoughts on its application. Wish there is someone I know who can give me a professional advice on this. It sometimes sucks to not know what you’re doing.

However, one of the best things that happened this month was just last week, when I got myself a nice 45-200mm telephoto zoom lens by Panasonic for cheap! The story is, the owner of the lens is now in France and had left his tele-zoom by accident, and since it’s unlikely he’d be back anytime soon, he had his brother sell the lens online instead. Fortunately, at the time the ad was posted I was leisurely browsing online for m4/3 lenses on sale. A tele-zoom was just what I needed and so when I saw the ad I made no qualms in taking it. Now that I have a wide angle lens, a standard lens and a telephoto lens, all I need now is a macro lens — then I am one happy photography hobbyist!

Below are some of the sample photographs I took with this remarkable lens. I really, really enjoy it and hopefully, very soon, I can start attending bird-watching excursions and put it to the test (just recently, I found out about the Phnom Penh Bird Club. I’m quite excited to take part in that).

P1100892 P1110039 P1110048 P1110067 P1110137 P1110184 P1110235 P1110240

P1110262 P1110277 P1110287


On a much happier note, my internet service provider finally fixed the connection problem. I can now access my blog easily from home, so now I get to blog a bit more regularly!

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