Paintings in 2016

Right before I went to Vietnam in September of 2016 for the 2nd Vietnam Kendo Open Championships, I painted some ACEOs for my would-be opponents and other kenshi I may have the pleasure of meeting. It turned out to be a very good idea indeed, and many enjoyed the unexpected little gift. Close-up view of these cards can be seen in my Painting gallery, under the sub-folder Kendo.

vjjoson aceo kendo cards

Not long before that, I was in fact on fire for painting and played with various painting styles and subjects. While kendo is foremost in my interests, I was quite into Greek mythology and Viking tales as well. Likewise, you can view some of the paintings up close in my Painting gallery on the menu above.

I also accepted two painting commissions for departing teachers that school year.

vjjoson painting cambodia ewis stuents apsara dancer

Staff card. 2016.

Sandra's Card. 2016.

Sandra’s Card. 2016.


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