VJ Joson

Posts by VJ Joson

The Flower of Phnom Penh

Last Monday morning (2nd of May), I was awoken by a phone call from the post office notifying me of the arrival of a package from Japan. I immediately knew it was from him! I went off to the EMS office and gave them the number of the package. Moments later, they took out a […]

Sensei Says, “Renshu This…” (Senseis’ Feedback)

I have been sitting in front of my netbook, gazing at the monitor, wondering what else to write on my term paper, which is due tonight before midnight and I can’t concentrate on it. I may look calm from the outside. I may be taking an overdose of chill pill to refrain myself from panicking unnecessarily, but my mind […]

Protected: Reflections on the Dan Shinsa and HK Taikai

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Sensei Says, “Renshū This…!”: OIKOMI-WAZA

Recently, one Japanese kenshi I’ve been following on Instagram left a message on my recent video clip and commended my oikomi-men. Being a big noob still in the practice of kendo, I went on to find out what oikomi was. It turns out that this is the opportunity to attack after your opponent does hiki-waza (backward […]

Protected: Christmas Came In Early

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Protected: Sensitivity

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Sensei Says, “Renshū This” (Move With Your Koshi)

Tonight’s keiko was rather interesting. It felt different — like it was a mature kind of jigeiko I did tonight. What I meant by that is, often J-sensei would give me opportunities to hit him (which he still did this evening), but it was a step up from the usual. We were doing ai-men (striking men simultaneously) […]

Sensei Says, “Renshū This…” (Speed)

After that long, dark spell last August where my kendo and personal life was just a mishmash of feel–bads and resentful thoughts,  these days are seeing more sunny days (albeit with light rain showers… or sunshowers,  rather — figuratively and literally). My training is now seeing further improvements too.  It is noticeable enough for my senseis to relay their observations […]

Protected: Bruises

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Sensei Says, “Renshuu This…” (All of This!)

The beloved sempai whom I had previously spoken about in past entries I now have been calling ‘sensei,’ and deservingly so because he taught me his kendo these past 8 months. So the “sensei” in this segment can now be any of my senseis  locally and abroad (I have made ‘friends’ with a few who had been giving me feedback […]

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