Ancient Greek Amphora (Art Activity)

We have learned that most of ancient Greek paintings were painted on amphoras. These are ceramic jars or vases that they store wine or water in. Most of the paintings on these amphoras are of ancient Greek life, famous people during their time, or mythological gods and goddesses.

In our activity, we shall try re-creating an amphora painting using whatever art materials we have at home. Read through 3 of my different ways of making an amphora drawing. Can you think of other ways you can do the project in case you don’t have any of these materials? Use your imagination and be resourceful and creative! Can’t wait to see your work!

Some of the supplies you may need.
Fold the paper in half and draw half of an amphora’s shape on one side, then cut it out.
Optional: Trace amphora on black paper, then cut out.
Optional means you don’t have to do this.
Draw a Spartan warrior on your amphora (or any Greek person you like).
Cut out your amphora and glue onto another piece of paper (different colored from the one you drew on).


Color the amphora cut out with black crayon. Be careful when you reach the handle parts, or it might rip. Color these areas very slowly and gently.
Draw Hermes — the messenger god — who sends messages from one god to another (or any other god you like) on a separate piece of paper. Color it.
Cut out the figure and glue it onto your crayon-colored amphora.


Paint your cut-out amphora completely in black paint. Be sure to put a scrap paper underneath your amphora to keep your table safe from the mess. Then let it dry.
When dry, you can start drawing your Greek person. I chose Artemis, goddess of hunting.
You may use markers too and other supplies you may have with you.

All right, everyone. Show me what you got and have fun!

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